Detailed below is a list of what your child will
need to bring to Busy Bees everyday:
- A change of clothes
- Soft soled shoes
- A bottle of water for drinking
During the hot weather you should also provide:
- A hat
- Sun cream
- Mosquito repellent
General Information
Please dress your child in loose comfortable
clothing. Although the children will be wearing
overalls when participating in activities which
may be messy, there is always the possibility of
spills etc. therefore you are advised to dress
your child accordingly.
Please do not give your child any of the
following to be consumed at Busy Bees:
- Candy/Sweets i.e. chocolate, gummy candies,
lollipops etc.
- Fizzy drinks or drinks in glass bottles
- Nuts
Drinking water is available to the children
throughout the morning/afternoon sessions.
and Tell
Guided Show and Tell assignments stimulate new
ideas, motivate students to organize their
thoughts and speak in complete sentences. These
activities also encourage parent/child
interactions. In the beginning of each month you
will receive a letter explaining the Show and Tell
assignment and the presentation date. Parents are
encouraged to assist their child in this simple
homework activity and are welcome to join their
child on their show and tell day.
You should not bring your child to school if he
or she has any of the following:
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Suspicious rash/spots
- A fever
- Green runny nose
If your child becomes unwell at school, you will
be contacted and asked to collect them. Every
effort will be made to keep your child as
comfortable as possible until you arrive.
Teachers will only administer medicine to a child
if a Doctor has prescribed it and the medicine is
labelled with the child's name, the name of the
medication and the dosage. In addition, parents
must complete a 'Medicine Form', which states the
times and dosage the medicine is to be taken.
To prevent accidents, medicines should not be
left in your child's bag. Instead parents must
give the medicine to the teachers at the beginning
of the school day, and collect it when school has
Children from School
You must inform the staff by completing the
attached form who will usually collect your child
from school. Under no circumstances will staff
allow a child to leave with a person who is not
authorised to collect them. Any changes to this
list should be done either by prior notification
(in writing) or by telephoning the school. The
teachers may at any time ask for identification.
Children should be collected from school at 11:30
am for the morning class and 4:30pm for the
afternoon class.
Bees Procedures for Severe Weather Warnings
If by 6.30am any of the following warning signals
have been raised Busy Bees will be closed for the
morning session.
If the red or black rainstorm warning signal or
typhoon number three or above is raised before
11.30am the afternoon class session will be
If any of the above signals are raised whilst Busy
Bees is in session parents should immediately
collect their child from school.
Listen to T.V and radio announcements on
Kindergartens and Childcare Centres for
information on school closures.